Can I cancel my visit?
Can I pay by invoice?
Do I need to book a group booking in advance?
Do we get a discount on food and snacks?
Do we pay for adults in the group booking?
Does the group need to arrive at the same time at the playcenter?
How do I make a group booking?
How do we pay?
How many adults need to accompany in a group booking?
How many people do we need to be in the group booking when we come as a school, preschool, or afterschool program?
How many people do we need to be in the group booking when we come as an association or private group?
I want to make a group booking that will take place within the next five days – what do I do?
What discounts do you offer for associations and private group bookings?
What discounts do you offer for school, preschool, and afterschool group bookings?